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Fertile Imagination?


March 10, 2024 


Sometimes I think

I have memories 

of the entire universe

in my DNA


In dreams woven by

eons upon eons

of big bangs

and black holes


Am I a Hawk Moth

caught in Brown Recluse



Am I a slug bereft

of a secure hiding spot

in a raked mortar joint

between brick pavers?


Am I a moon

in orbit around a planet

on the opposite side

of the Milky Way?


Am I a strand in

a double helix

of RNA?


What role do I play

In this not so terse drama

that composes what we call

A Day?


My burrow is made 

by carpenter ants

and borer bees who 

press plaster board 

to studs and shingle

the roof with cedar 



I am blessedly


make no mistake 


Grateful after all

my foolishness

to remain alive


Now, This


I have made mistakes. 


Big, fat, juicy embarrassing mistakes.  I have tried to learn from the hurt. Grateful for the time I have been given to heal. Thankful for those who never gave up on me. 


I sometimes feel like an exposed nerve being stimulated by many prods at once. My attention is challenged by multiple beams of fractured light. All the pretty colors of the rainbow confuse a sensibility striving to be one with nature. The specific nature of man whose every act, every idea is an extension of nature. Yet the results of those actions are seldom recognizable in juxtaposition to the built reality in which we live and the natural world to which we, the masses, are seemingly divorced. 


I shall not be quiet in my desperation. My voice shall challenge the raging winds of time. Though my defeat be inevitable, my will is to never retreat. This may reek of toxic male bravado, but I do not speak of the destruction of my enemies. I am focused on my demon and the paralysis of fear that makes me its coward. 


Profit and Loss


It’s always been clear to me that power is at the root of all evil. 


Money is only important for the power it affords those with vast amounts accumulated at the cost of others. Even the precious resource of ideas is itself a font of power for those who can control them. The powerful man need not conceive or execute the ideas, but he must control them. Take credit for them. Gain fame or even infamy from them. This insidious mess is made even more complex by ideas which divide the human thought process. 


Control is the core issue of our time. How to get large populations to behave in a certain manner is at the root of devious invention. 


This is why the radical propositions of equal rights under the law and individual freedoms are being pitted against one another as if they were opposites. Which begs the question: what is law? Which begs the question: what is freedom?  


Are laws the natural extension of values and mores a society needs to be a cohesive whole?


Are individual freedoms nascent biological imperatives directed by an internal nature?


What happens when the two conflict?


Is conflict the natural state of evolution? Or is it a malignant aberration?


There are those who say democracy is messy. Messy like a rain forest with its complex, interconnected matrix of life. 


There are those who find a mess abhorrent. They want to curate, cultivate, and essentially control nature itself.


There are those who cherish the very process of democracy.  The process itself is centered in ideology with faith that we are all human beings. We all get a vote, a say on the laws we make to govern us.


There are those who think they know better. They believe their knowing is Divine. They set a very low price on individual human lives other than their own. 


There are those who disagree with that line of thinking. They understand the force that costs us our humanity is too high. 


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